Patient Portal Instructions.

NOTE: Please do not send messages for urgent medical concerns through the patient portal. It may take up to 3 business days for a response to any directmail sent through the portal. Please contact the office directly for any urgent medical concerns.

The portal works best Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, but can still be viewed in other browsers.

Password - You may change your password through the portal directly. Please call us if you should lose your password.
Entry Page - The first page you see has a list of tabs on the left hand side where you can review and edit
some information. The tabs and their uses are: 
Contact Information – You can make updates to your contact information .
Insurance –You can view the information, but please contact the office to make any changes or updates to your medical insaurance.
Prescription Refills- You may request prescription refills through the patient portal.
Pharmacy – You can see and update which pharmacy electronic prescriptions will be sent to.  To add or change the pharmacy:  

· Click “Add Surescripts Pharmacy” button.
· Search for your pharmacy by filling in as much info as you can.  (Be aware phone #’s don’t always match up because it may list the direct pharmacy line rather than the main phone #.
· Once you found your pharmacy, click the name in blue.
· To remove a pharmacy, click the “Remove” link.
NOTE: we will not be able to send prescriptions to Manual Pharmacies Do not choose “Add ManualPharmacy”.

Past Medical History – You can see and update any past medical conditions or surgeries you may have had.  After making any changes, click “Save” or “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the page.
Skin Disease History – You can see and update any skin diseases you may have had in the past.  After making any changes, click “Save” or “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the page.
Medications - You can see and update your medications:

· If you aren’t taking any medications, you can click the “Mark No Medications” button at the top of the screen.  If you need to add a medication later, click the button again to unmark.
· To add a medication start typing in the field next to “Drug Name”.  This will populate a list of edications.  To select one, click the name in blue and if you know the dosage, select it on the right. If you don’t know the dosage, you can click the link that says “add [drug] with unspecified dispensable”. 
· If you can’t find your medication, you can always add it in the box under “Other Medications”.
· If you’ve selected a medication in error, click the “delete” link to the right of the medication you want to delete. If you’ve stopped taking a medication, please change the “status” to Inactive.
· When finished click “Save” or “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the page.

Allergies – You can see and update any drug allergies:

· If you don’t have any drug allergies, click the “Mark No Known Allergies” button.  If you need to change this, click the button again to unmark.
· To add an allergy, start typing in the field next to “Allergy”.  As you type, allergens will auto-populate soyou can click to correct one
· If you can’t find an allergy, you can list it in the box under “Other Allergies”.
· To delete an allergy, click the blue “delete” link to the right of the allergy you wish to delete.
· You can enter your reaction to the allergen but it’s not required.

Social History – You can see and update any information you feel is relevant.
Problem List – You can view a list of all your current and past diagnoses.
Tests and Results – You can view a list of any labs that were ordered for you through the EMR.
Records and Documents – You can view patient education handouts from each visit.  You can also view a continuity of care record that updates after each visit.